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Happy Lunar New Year - Grab your gift! 🎁

Heya, It's that time of year again dontcha know! a 2024 Year that's filled with all sorts of opportunities. Goal setting galore, laughs, movies, reading, reflecting on the lessons and all of the times an experience took place and the other ones as well... All of the dreaming, duties, shopping, family time, alone time, work, ....reflection, journaling, to-do lists + more laughs... the pouring of beverages and especially water to hydrate for the journey of more life! More Oh yes, plus the happy...

3 months ago • 1 min read

PENPAL LETTERS w/ QUEEN SEREDA The Source is everywhere you are, FEEL IT It's the Year of the Dragon & Hey there chosen ones, First off, Be blessed. Today, we are picking up from the last pen pal letter about using positive words, intentions, and thoughts to manifest better in 2024. This is the Goal. Now, one such way to actually do this is to keep yourself in a positive bubble. Yes, it is, using unlimited, well-chosen, delightful affirmations & askfirmations! Right. Next, I want to dive deep...

3 months ago • 7 min read

PENPAL LETTERS w/ QUEEN SEREDA The Source is everywhere you are, FEEL IT Hi, First off give yourself a big hug because you deserve it. If you're a Starseed or even a person dedicated to showing up and living a higher life purpose than just the ordinary (if that is such a thing)... then congratulations for sticking with believing in yourSELF🌟; since you have had to be loyal to your vision. Sure you fall in and out of love with your vision at times. Yet, you are here reading these positive...

3 months ago • 5 min read

PENPAL LETTERS w/ QUEEN SEREDA HI, Good day! Last time we went into Unlocking the Mystery: "You Won't Believe What I Found Out About the Power of Being a Starseed". You can Go back to read that newsletter here. Today though, there is a powerful topic to delve into that can assist you greatly as you navigate your life path. We'll jump right in. To start, I want you to think about when was the last time you were surprised by certain sudden events and situations taking place in your life. Yeah,...

4 months ago • 4 min read

PENPAL LETTERS w/ QUEEN SEREDA Hey, my wonderful penpal, Blessings, I do hope you and yours are well over there. I am well. Now in this penpal letter, we are discussing this: How to Embrace Your Cosmic Essence-. The Magical Breakthrough of Being a Starseed ✨ In this edition, I'm eager to share a personal revelation with you! — it's personal stuff but here it is (in a nutshell)... Basically, a moment of awakening kept happening to me during the days when my life and I were immersed in the...

4 months ago • 2 min read

PENPAL LETTERS w/ QUEEN SEREDA ❤️ Hey, my wonderful penpal~ On your path of self-discovery and personal growth, it's essential to have resources and tools that can support and guide you along the way. Today, I'm excited to remind you & share with you each of the helpful resources I've put in one secure place for you to grab. These tools are a list of helpful valuable resources that can certainly help you. Only our community has access. And here are the resources I want you to know about in...

4 months ago • 3 min read

PENPAL LETTERS w/ QUEEN SEREDA ❤️ Dear NaturallyHighLife Community, Love all things planner related? Me too. Have you downloaded this yet? Want another gift for the start of this winter season? Sure, Happy Holidays! Here's your printable/ digital planner that I’m so happy to share with you! Today you're getting a high-quality 2024 planner in Canva This is yours for professional, business or for casual use. In Canva for free you can add your own personal touch by changing the colors, fonts,...

4 months ago • 1 min read

PENPAL LETTERS w/ QUEEN SEREDA ❤️ Dear Incredible Subscribers, It's me Queen Sereda. Hey now, I hope this message finds you well and brimming with hopefulness & joy! As 2024 rolls on in, you could be desiring clarity on everything important to you. I'm certainly with you on that... Reason being; As we continue our journey together, I wanted to take a moment to foster even stronger connections within our amazing community. This was too cute not to share! Listen up💡, here's a delightful little...

4 months ago • 2 min read

🌟PENPAL LETTERS w/ QUEEN SEREDA🌟 ❤️ Dear Beloved Penpal, Be sure that you hug yourself for 2024! Thanks for the connection. We're each on our own with SOURCE with major growth lessons & journeys in this life. It can feel exhilarating but very scary other times as well to keep going. Although... As we journey through life- it's not uncommon to feel like you need permission to pursue your dreams, embrace your passions, and live life to the fullest. But let me lovingly remind you of this: You...

4 months ago • 2 min read

PENPAL LETTERS w/ QUEEN SEREDA ❤️ Hey lovely, I've got a special New Year's treat just for you! Remember the "Harmony's Haven" 22-day challenge I spoke about creating earlier? Well, I've built that inspiration into "Harmony's Haven: A 22-Day Serenity Meditation Retreat." This serene journey is all about finding clarity, reassurance, inner harmony, healing, and self-discovery through calming meditations inspired by the wisdom of tarot and the soothing embrace of nature. Sure this sounds like...

4 months ago • 1 min read
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