awaken your voice
with art journaling

get My 14 Day Intuitive
self love mixed media
art email course free

Who says that art has to stay private? Since technology has soared during our life time now art creation processes do not have

to stay private. So we're going to free the creative energy with the art that wants to be made. Alright! Let me tell you, firstly...

Hi nice to meet you, I'm someone who loves art. I bet you can say the same. You love it so much that you'd love to make some

and to have some as well. I love mixed media art because you are welcomed to use whatever tools you have inside of your art.

You are encouraged to use what you have while making your art to get the finished art piece done. That's mixed media art making

baby and it's so peaceful transformative and fun. Or maybe its the visionary astrologically in me that likes to go big too.

Now, why this mixed media email course at this time? It's to help those who want to have some fun and make some

art with a spiritual twist.

Storytime: { This will be helpful to you I promise} I started making art as a youth in elementary school. I never thought I was

good enough when making my art though. That was until I came back to art creation as an adult. Once I considered one day

that I could actually enjoy the feeling again that I felt as a child while making art as an Adult today! Sure you can get that feeling when

playing video games and other stuff too.. Which might be why and how I was able to take a break from making art so long then come

right back to making it. You can start and continue whenever. You can only get better with time anyway right? Yes.

So not to digress into story again i'll say that I celebrated being able to make art as an adult. YAY! Horray I was sold and ready honey.

In fact I would say {an Art love Obsession} had me when I thought about the art I wasn't making that I wanted to somehow make

(if that makes sense).

So, then One day I saw some videos that got me thinking about the artwork I never really finished or gave myself permission to make.

I then got inspired creatively to make my own art again as an adult instead of a child like I was. I told myself I would do inner child

and shadow work healing for me through the making of the art creations. At the beginning I didn't know what I wanted to make.

I just knew I wanted to play in a rich assortment of art supplies, colors and play music, laugh, cry, journal and release whatever needed

to come out of me so I could feel content, lighter, with more authentic appreciation for my life.

As an amatuer art creator I am enjoying myself immensely. I want you to come embrace the unknown with your art creation.

To embrace uncertainty while making art can assist with letting go of what doesn't matter even more. This can help make room

for other things. No, you don't have to get permission to make art. you don't even need a title or label or an idea to make art either.

However, it's just about bringing you, your energy and then making some makings on the page. And that is magic to me. So I made

it my regular meditation forreal. With a new found appreciation for life & for meditation, what I thought life was I felt poetic and

unblocked in a new way. I felt eager to start something and to allow myself to make mistakes and to fix mistakes with love if need

be. i wanted to heal and to be free from the unnecessary. Then, I did a tarot reading one day only to get the guidance to turn my

art into tarot cards.

From there, I knew how many pieces of art I was to make. Then I created a tarot deck that was born from actual art journaling

from over the years. There was lots of dancing, laughing, crying, feeling so much appreciation for life, and forgiveness and love.

Plus the artwork was born from several mixed media paintings. Who knew that the process of making art or the journey

between the beginning of an art piece plus the steps it took to complete a piece was so important.

What if you were to pass on to the other side but you didn't help with something you know how to do. What if you leaned to create

even when you didn't know what the heck you were doing?

I thought, what if I don't show the deeper creation or art making process? I was thinking how unhelpful that would be

Because I feel like this is a part of my divine life purpose.

You may feel that too. But don't let the purpose define you. Know that you're good either way (is what I told myself).

How about this: what if your art is just what the world needs more of? What if you can create what you love?

And what if it's creators that have to step up because they are secretly future leaders and teachers.

Well if you put it that way, well so I'll gladly contribute in my way to that.

That's key message: This is a first for me, I've never taught an art class before now. However I'm glad you're here.

This intuitive art class may be a first for you too. I'm here to help you through that process of getting started with

intuitive mixed media art or how to continue on with making it.

To begin our art class we will BReAthe in together... this is to set the tone. I'll read a universal prayer then we'll feel the

peace and joy! Let's make some art with that vibration to clear then rise up again & again. I invite you to play with me

in the form of shapes, in color, in textures, with inspiration, affirmations, and gratitude too!

I confess, I have often daydreamed about sharing this art course with you or with someone or the people who can

benefit from it. At the time, it seemed like such a task to allow people to see my art making process since its been my

private space. As time has passed, I see I have no more reasons to hold back on sharing the processes. Reason being,

I have been living a life of more mindfulness. also more thankfulness.

Making art can help you see that your life is a gift. The internet has been cool in a certain way because we can share

with one another nowadays in a way where time or place are no longer a barrier.

You see, this email course was born out of a lack of curiosity, questions + self worth. Eventually while making art,

I realized that I had a gift that was all my own and I learned that no one could take my creative style from me. I felt

unlocked, unblocked, ready for everything that life has to show to me.

Have you experienced the feeling of completing a piece of art ever in your life? Oh it's magically divine bliss to put it plainly.

Alright, back to the topic of this 2 week Intuitive Art email course on mixed media art. Oh my, what a treat I get to make

art with you on the other end.

I smile and sigh at the thought of sharing some of my most private creative ideas, channelings and processes. Today, I see

that Life is not a forever thing, so I feel it's my duty to share the backstory to how I got to the place I am today, I feel grateful

that I'm getting better, feeling content, eager and ready for more. I promised to share the pieces of a larger puzzle that got

me to feeling more loved than ever from my family, friends, the world and from myself.

Have you ever felt that your art was just waiting to be revealed from inside you?

That you have something that wants to be brought through you for the world?

Do you know what it's like to feel creative energy and to not know what to do with it?

Are you someone who has struggled with feeling as if you belong or are enough?

Do you sense that you were made for something great for you especially, yet you feel blocked?

Take the time off, take a load off. It'll be well worth it. you'll come away with some finished art.

Imagine this...making art by video with me, with the sound of water fountains dripping the ambient

sounds dancing with the wetness of water gently playing in the background. Feel the sounds of upcoming

singing bowls as we do a chakra clearing real quick- to start the art making on the right note.

Anticipation will be felt while we each gather our art supplies to come together in delicious colors, in radiance

while meeting our muse. Come on an intuitive art journey with me where we will make some art and have

some warm, loving, supportive, nonjudgmental fun with some Besties.

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